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  1. Close all CorelDRAW applications at your computer if they are running.
  2. Run Krasbit_Layouter_2_setup.exe and follow the setup instructions.
  3. Specify setup language.
  4. Read and accept the agreement.
  5. Select Krasbit Layouter application folder. Defaults to: C:\Program Files (x86)\Krasbit\Layouter 2
  6. Choose components of installation. Instalator should detect your CorelDRAW software installed and try to copy .gms folder of each selected version for use. 
  7. Select Start Menu folder. Defaults to Krasbit
  1. Set Krasbit Layouter data folder. Optional example files and CorelDRAW templates will be extracted here as well. 
  2. You are almost done. Once setup is finished run CorelDRAW application and select the way of starting Krasbit Layouter macros.